Monday, April 30, 2007


I feel like writing again. Bits.

So much has happened and is happening. It's an amazing time.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Spanish Week 5

Monday, April 16, 2007


No more blogging for a while.

I hope you are all well x

Added: Thanks for the emails - I am more than fine. Be good.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thou Shalt Not

I accidently stole a box of hair dye last week*. The colour is golden brown but now having dyed my hair it is almost black.


* as in, I was looking at all the hair dyes, decided not to buy one, got flustered since I couldn't find the Easter eggs I wanted, left the supermarket, looked down and saw the box in my hand. The security guard looked at me but didn't say anything, so I thought what the hell and just kept going.

C'est Decide Ca Y Est Je Pars Je M'en Vais

Going away for a few days on a crazy little adventure.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back At Work Funny

Monday, April 09, 2007

4 Days Off

Gosh it feels nice. Of course, I couldn't sleep in (and the cunt neighbours have been quiet, what are the chances?).

So we got plenty stoned - luckily the best kind of stoned: cruisey and chilled out - and watched Borat and massive amounts of Girls of the Playboy Mansion and other Foxtel wonderfulness. But we ate more food than I could ever imagine, in fact it was hand-to-mouth for two whole days. We hoovered Turkish pizzas, chips, sour gummy bears, Easter eggs, cookies, Chinese food, and then some. Shudder. We started the weekend with a few blissful hours at the Ginseng Bathhouse, our bodies scrubbed to baby-soft, it really is heaven.

Either side I spent some lovely time with my kick-arse mum, smearing honey on my face, getting an eyelash tint, and memorising rapid dieting menus.

Study In Slothdom #1

Study In Slothdom #2

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Happy Chocolate Bunny Feasting

One house to housesit.
One beagle puppy to look after.
Two silly girls.
One big bag of pot.
Three and a half years since that early morning of Paris...and subsequently saying I will never smoke pot again.
Half a dozen home delivery menus of the greasiest food we can think of at the ready.
Many weeks of anticipation.
One day to go.

Ooooooh yea.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Language Learning

As far as I'm concerned, you can learn all the verbs and grammer and directions on how to get to the piazza as you want, but essentially you just need the following:

"Where is the toilet?"

And since the internet is a wonderful, magical being, you can find how to say "where is the toilet" in every language here.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Spanish week 2 and I keep talking Italian. With practise I may get to the baby steps. The teacher hates us as we are always giggling, but how can two silly girls not write notes and laugh at the most childish things like donde and novete, pronounced nob-ete? Oh and the bodgy Aussie who pronounces Claudio as Claudia and then Claude. I want nothing more than for him to come out with Klaus next week.

I'm afraid I have not much to write these days - the dialogue is mostly internal as I am well entrenched in my hippiness...and my eternal search for...knowing myself.

But to prove I am, above all, boheme bourgeois, aren't these the most beautiful sunglasses you've ever seen?

Dolce E Gabbana, $449.95 (beyond ouch)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ridiculously Early Sunday Morning Snippets

Because the cunt queen neighbours have yet again come home in the wee hours and are blaring lame-ass techno and talking shite on the balcony in his whiney English accent, I have been awake since 6am. I am watching South Park. Mr Garrison: "I have to get to the jiz convention!" Gold.

Em's hen's night last night was great fun! Nice bunch of girls not into the usual hen's shenanigans thank god, Bollywood theme, good dinner and Em and I were first up at 'curryoke' - Jason and Kylie's Especially For You. Shame I can't sing. Lucky for alcohol.

Caught up with Kurt from Ios on Friday night. Nice bloke. What I thought would be a couple of catch-up drinks after work turned into a never-ending conveyor belt of drinks. Came home and hacked off chunks of bread and prosciutto San Danielle and wrote garbage on the blog, was lucid enough to keep it in draft. Many crumbs on the floor Saturday morning.

Email from Kurt: "you are a wonderful person". Unexpected compliments are the best. Make one today.